JazzBoston wants you!
Are you a videographer, video editor, audio application techie, social media junkie, or researcher? Do you have a few hours a week to give to Greater Boston’s premier jazz advocacy organization? If so, JazzBoston wants YOU!
Communications and operations support
In 2015, when JazzBoston was 9 years old, we hired our first and only staff member, an Operations Director whose skills, creativity, and energy so quickly exceeded our expectations that in 2017 we promoted him to Executive Director and offered him a seat on JazzBoston’s Board of Directors. However, as energetic as Jon Taubman is, he can’t do everything. He needs a team of volunteers:
More people with social media skills to help JazzBoston provide fresh content for each of our communications channels.
Marketing, promotion, and PR assistance to enable us to advocate even more strongly for the music and the musicians, audiences, and venues of Greater Boston’s jazz community and also demonstrate our relevance to potential partners and funders.
Denizens of the jazz scene who can serve as researchers to make sure we know about all the free jazz events in and around town and are alerted whenever a new jazz venue of any kind opens and needs a boost.
Someone with administrative skills to help improve the membership experience and provide operational support.
JazzBird® management and marketing
Would you like to be part of a 21st century solution to the nationwide cutbacks in jazz radio programming? Do you have any experience in audio streaming and database entry? Paul Burega, manager of JazzBird®, JazzBoston’s free global radio app, and recipient of JazzBoston’s first Volunteer of the Year Award, needs a team too.

Love supporting Jazz. I am originally from Boston and stumbled on to JazzWeek. I am a critic of Jazz and was raised on Harrison Ridley, a famous Jazz Critic out of Philadelphia. I want to learn and be a part of the Jazz Scene in Boston. I am also a political progressive and understand the value of Jazz as African American Classical Music. I can volunteer a little time. I also run.