Jazz is happening all over Boston all the time
All kinds of jazz performed by world-class artists and young musicians, residents and out-of-towners. The Scene is your gateway to the center of the action. Here you’ll find information on jazz venues, musicians, organizations, education, and radio, plus a special section, Beyond Boston, that will take you to a world of happenings, resources, and information via the Web.
Let our Venues listing be your guide to exploring all the places to hear jazz in the metro Boston area. Then support live music by finding a new place to call your own.
Use our A – Z Musicians listing to check out many of Boston’s great jazz artists before you venture out. You can listen to new music, see photos, and find links to band websites right here, without spending time searching on your own. And you can stay on the cutting edge of new music by tuning in any of the jazz radio shows in the metro area.
If you want to learn to play an instrument or learn more about jazz in general, click on our Education link to find qualified instructors and schools in your area that have jazz programs, whether for yourself or someone else in your family.
For fun and information, go to the New to Jazz? section and take the quiz. We’re adding questions regularly.